Sunday, September 14, 2008

“Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! It’s Off to Work We Go!”

Do you enjoy your work? Do you enjoy the things you do everyday? Is your career going well? Or do you dread getting up in the morning to face another dreary day? Do you look forward to Friday and Saturday nights just because there is no work the following day? Do you feel tired just by thinking of work? Do you lack the motivation to go to work?

If you are like most of the ‘normal’ people on earth, you probably belong to the latter category of people who do not particularly enjoy work. In fact, you would have thought that work is the curse of Adam. This is actually a secular world-view and very far from the truth.

If you read Genesis carefully, you will see that God established work before the fall. God placed the first humans in the garden to "cultivate and keep it." (Gen.2:15) This work assignment was given before sin entered the world. Man was not made to sit around and do nothing. We were made to do work! Therefore, work is not the curse of Adam as a punishment after he sinned. God blesses work even after the fall. If work were evil, God would never encourage His people to engage in it. In Colossians 3:23, we are told to “do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.” See? God expects us to enjoy our work!

Here’s another surprise for you! We are not exempted from work in eternity. Read Isaiah 65:17-25. The prophet is talking about the new heaven and the new earth in these passages. It says the saved will “build houses,” “plant vineyards and eat their fruits.” “The chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands. They will not toil in vain.”

As Christians, we are called to be different from the world. Our view of “work” should be aligned with God’s will and plan for us. If God wants us to work and enjoy our work, then we should obey. We should view work as a blessing and thank God for the opportunity to be able to do the work He assigns us. This view is not limited to our ministry assignments but to our secular workplace as well.

In fact, our attitude regarding work from Mondays to Saturdays is even more important. We are called to be the light and salt of the world. People are looking to see if what we say as a Christian aligns with how we live, how we behave as a Christian. Do we view work as other people do? If so, then we are no different from non-christians.

So, pray for your work, your job, your career. Pray that God will bless you and use you for His Kingdom right where you are working.

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