Tuesday, April 8, 2008

At Your Service!

Imagine yourself as the manager of your office, or the mistress of your house. If your factory worker or your housemaids are not doing their jobs, What would you say to them? What would you do? At the end of your life here on earth, you will stand before God. He will evaluate how you have lived your life, how you have served Him. Will He say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant?” and reward you with many crowns; or will you be full of excuses? “I was too busy…”

What is holding us back from serving God?

God has already given you talents and abilities – which we call gifts - and everything else you need in order to do His work. You just have to discover them.


Listen to your heart. What is your passion? What is it you love to do? What do you enjoy doing? Is it singing? You can volunteer in the choir. Do you love being around children? Volunteer to teach in the children’s ministry.

Use your abilities. What is it you’re able to do? What are your talents? Do people naturally tell you their problems? Be a counselor. Are you a good encourager? Volunteer to do house visits. If you are not sure, you can experiment with different areas of service. You’re not going to know what you’re good at unless you try it first. So go ahead and volunteer. You will discover many things about yourself in the process.

Consider your personality. Get feedbacks from people close to you. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you like routine or variety? Do you like working with people or by yourself? After you’ve evaluated yourself, you can choose which ministry will fit your personality.

Examine your experiences. God gave you different experiences of joy and pleasure, pain and disappointments for you to learn from them and for you to use them for His glory. Consider how God would want you to use those experiences to serve others.

Pay attention to needs. When the pastor announces the need for people in this or that ministry, volunteer! Opportunities to serve never last long. Many people never serve because they fear that they may make mistakes or that they are not ‘good enough’ to serve. But you see, God does not expect perfect work. He does expect faithful work though. Go ahead and talk with our church pastors. Tell them you are available to do whatever work that needs to be done.

Serve the Lord with gladness. Serve the Lord with a grateful heart. Serving the Lord, our God and Savior is the highest use of our lives. Know that God has promised honor and reward for those who serve Him.

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