Monday, December 3, 2007


We are not going to talk about the popular soap whose advertisement includes a “conscience” reminding the mother of the house to use proper hygiene to protect the health of the family. We are going to talk about proper ways to protect the spiritual health of every believer. There are so many entertainments, distractions and temptations offered by the world today. We, as humans are also vulnerable to such attractions. It is truly hard to remain steadfastly moral and upright as Christ wants us to be. We have to proactively build “safeguards” into our lives to protect us from the “germs” of immorality and sinfulness.

Develop Accountability Partners. Enlist at least 2 friends and be transparent to them. They can be your spouse, your best friends, your prayer partner or Bible study leader or group-mates. Choose wisely. They should be Christians, people with integrity, act responsibly, who can keep secrets and give you good advice, who are not afraid to check on you and correct you when you do wrong things. The more people you are accountable to, the more likely you will think twice when you are tempted to do wrong.

Consider the Consequences. Christians are not exempt from temptations and sinning. We should always be on guard, think and reflect on the consequences – what would happen if we do give in to temptations. A careless, selfish decision may cost us our reputation, maybe our friendship, or our family and most importantly, our relationship with God. Think of the sin’s painful aftermath, the long and tedious restoration process with other people and with God. The more you think about the consequences, the less likely you will be tempted to sin.

Use your Time Wisely. An idle mind is the devil’s playground. When we have nothing to do, or when we feel bored, we are more likely to do the wrong things. For instance, if you find yourself with free time, develop a productive and relaxing hobby. Or go into sports to develop a healthier physical body. Better yet, read the Bible and inspirational books. Or listen to soothing and inspirational or classical music. Occupy your mind and your time with good things and you will turn out to be a better person.

Finally, Pray and ask others to pray for you as well. No matter how many intentional safeguards you put into place, nothing can be better than God putting His own safeguards around you to surround you and protect you. God is gracious to protect you and cover you if you ask Him and if you ask others to intercede for you. For the Lord God always answers our prayers for our own good, and in ways we cannot ever imagine.

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